Beacon Day School kicked off the month of May with Staff and Faculty Appreciation Week.
Appreciation Week is always special as the entire school community rallies around every department and team member. One of the highlights of Appreciation Week was a compilation of videos and messages sent in from parents and students thanking everyone that supported them throughout one of the most challenging school years of our lives. To maintain our students’ and their families’ confidentiality, we’re not going to share the video. However, the next best thing is to share what makes the faculty and staff at Beacon Day the heroes that they are and share some of the amazing things students and parents say about them.
Beacon Day School staff are driven and unwavering in their commitment to the students and families they teach and serve. They work collectively to provide students seamless Integrated Educational Care, enhancing the multi-disciplinary learning of BDS students. To support them in their mission Beacon Day staff, receive some of the country’s best training and professional development programs. Every Beacon Day teacher and staff person receive 30-days of training before engaging with students. All staff members can further their careers and keep up with latest in best practices by taking professional development courses. The combination of caring, training and professional development allows students to have transformative experiences at Beacon as this parent said, “She loved all the fun and well-supported CBI trips and the walks and trips to the park. She loved getting silly with her BI. She loved the calm and kind support during counseling. - that was an important happy time in her week. She loved art - so fun to get creative! She learned lots and had fun getting strong and healthy in PE! She always enjoyed calendar and weather time and learning in such a positive, caring, personalized learning atmosphere.”

Our teachers aren't the only ones providing collaborative, therapeutic teamwork. Our neurodiverse student body is expertly bolstered by our support staff, Behavior Interventionists, and ancillary services, such as Transportation. These dedicated professionals provide continuity of a shared philosophy to support the whole child in a community-minded approach. Our students LOVE coming to school each day because they know there is always someone there, smiling and offering a helping hand. One of our parents expressed their gratitude on behalf of their child, “Thank you for your unfailing attention, dedication, and tenacity for helping me at school. Your kindness and compassion have meant so much to me and my family. I wake up every day excited to come to school. You have helped me learn so much and I have had fun along the way. Thank you for making me smile and laugh. There are so many times when everything is really hard for me and I feel sad, frustrated, hungry, impatient or don't feel good. You try to help me feel better and help me through everything. There aren't enough words to thank you for all of it. You have made my life better knowing I have you to see almost every day and that you never waiver in your kindness and love for me. And thank you for never giving up on me.”

So, to all teachers, behaviorists, interventionists, therapists, instructors, nurses, administrators, or any other type of educator or support staff that works with our students, know that there is always someone there who will appreciate you for your hard work, tenacity, and empathy.
We think this parent sums things up nicely:
“It takes a level of love and commitment to deal with children with special needs. We don't always say it or show it... from the bottom of my heart -- Thank you.”
The team at Beacon Day School are genuinely everyday heroes, and even though Staff and Faculty Appreciation Week happens only once a year, the love from our families and students lasts all year long.