Summer is ending and the arrival of fall foliage and the start of school is here. We are so excited to welcome you all back to the 2021-2022 school year at Beacon Day School!
We are thrilled to announce our school looks like a school again, and we are overjoyed to have our campus feel closer to normal. Students and families will immediately notice the walls are filled with inspiring artwork, classrooms are decorated and await all the amazing art projects to come. Equally important to creating an environment conducive to learning is the return of some of our most popular programs like Arts Integration and Community Based Instruction.
While everyone will be happy to see what’s back this school year, we expect students will be more excited about what’s new this year. We are thrilled to announce that a new indoor and outdoor play structure is coming soon! The playgrounds will be unveiled later in the year, and we can’t wait for all our students to enjoy them.
Returning to school can stir feelings of anxiety and apprehension in some students. Here are five tips to help your child approach the new school year with calm and confidence.

1. Embrace routines
A routine's regularity has a soothing impact. Following familiar routines in the morning and after school helps alleviate the anxiety that comes from not knowing what to expect. Creating routines around tasks that need to be completed for school might also help you escape the morning rush. Each night before school, set clothing outfits aside, put non-perishables in the lunchbox, and review and sign any school paperwork. After school, schedule a daily break time so your child can look forward to some downtime. Initiate routines in the evening, such as having a bath, which can calm the body and senses, promoting restful sleep.
2. Practice
Depending on the child, social stories can be a great way to discuss possible solutions and consequences to specific situations at school, such as sitting in a circle, raising a hand, or what to do if your child is feeling sick at school. Of course, this is also a great time to practice proper hygiene, such as when and where to wash hands and staying a safe distance from others.

3. Focus on a nutritious diet, lots of water, and plenty of sleep
Eating a variety of fruits, vegetables, and other nutritious foods will not only physically prepare your child for learning but will also help your child avoid illness. Water is beneficial for eliminating toxins and decreasing daytime drowsiness. Set a regular, not-too-early bedtime and adhere to it.
4. Recognizing School Related Anxiety
In the first few weeks of school, you may see an increase in challenging behaviors in the forms of resistance, non-compliance, physical aggression, and verbal outburst. These behaviors maybe signs of school related anxiety. If you’re seeing changes in your student’s behavior, please reach out to your student’s teacher and BCBA. They will work with you to develop strategies to help your student readjust to the new schedule and school environment.
By working together we can ensure your student comes to school ready to learn! Even though we are excited to welcome the return of activities previously prohibited by public health mandates, please keep in mind that we are committed to always adhering to current local, State, and Federal COVID-19 guidelines. We will continue to communicate any required changes to school policies.
As we start the school year there is no doubt it will be filled with smiles, accomplishments, celebrations and some unexpected surprises. We know that no matter what the school year brings the Beacon Day School community will always strive to live up to our values of Excellence, Respect, Collaboration, Integrity, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.
We Are More Than a School. We Are a Community.